Créditos Miss Felt

Disparador Controle Remoto Yongnuo Rs802 Para Canon Pentax

Disparador Controle Remoto Yongnuo Rs802 Para Canon Pentax

R$ 115,00
(Produto Usado)
Rio de Janeiro - RJ

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Reputação do vendedor REIMELLO

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ACEITO PROPOSTAS! Nao estou mais usando e quero vender Disparador remoto para cameras RS-802 Remote Switch 100% compatible with CANON RS-60E3(RS60-E3), PENTAX CS-205 Shutter Release The release button reacts fast and fine. Two stage release button: Halfway pressing for autofocus, complete pressing takes the picture. Lock the button for long exposures or continuous shooting. Specification Style: Cable style shutter release control Mode: 2 ways button for focus and shooting, and lock the button for continuous shooting and long exposure. Cable length: 90cm Volume: 100.5mm(L) x 27.8mm(W) x 20.5mm(H) Suitable For: CANON Powershot G10 CANON Powershot G11 CANON EOS 1000D(Rebel Xs) CANON EOS 500D(Rebel T1i) CANON EOS 450D(Rebel Xsi) CANON EOS 400D(Rebel Xti) CANON EOS 350D(Rebel Xt) CANON EOS 300D CANON EOS 300 CANON EOS 300V CANON EOS 50E CANON EOS 50D CANON EOS 50 CANON EOS 33 CANON EOS 30 Pentax K10D/K110D/K100D/K20D/K200D/Cs205 Remote Switch Shutter Pentax *ist D/DS/DS2/DL/DL2/K10 Remote Switch Shutter Pentax MZ-6, MZ-L, ZX-L Hasselblad H/H1/H2/H2D/H1D Remote Switch Shutter Cord Contax 645/Nl/Nx/N/Digital/LA-50 Remote Switch Shutter Samsung GX-20 GX-10 GX-1L GX-1S

Sem garantia


Marca: Yongnuo

É sem fio: Não

Condição do item: Usado

Linha: Yongnuo

Modelo: Yongnuo

Tipo de tecnologia sem fio:


Cor: Preto

R$ 115,00

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